Thursday, September 9, 2010

AmeriCorps VISTA 2010-2011 - #2

Buona sera!!!

It has been three weeks since I began my post here at Community Frameworks (CF) in Spokane, Washington. It has been your basic settling in process of getting to know the names of the people in the office; trying to figure out what to do with the blank walls in my personal office; and learning more about what the organization really does.

I am not going to repeat what is said on the website. If it interests you, then I recommend visiting the site. You will see as I did when I chose to take the position that CF is doing something special and as you read through it, they are not the only one's doing so.

CF is a charter member of a national organization called NeighborWorks (NW).

NeighborWorks is a national non-profit organization created by Congress to provide financial support, technical assistance, and training for community-based revitalization efforts. Together with national and local partners, NW creates new opportunities for residents while improving communities. Community Frameworks is one of those local partners. Together with NW and several other smaller organizations, Community Frameworks is attempting to provide affordable housing for the city of Spokane as well as communities all over Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Western Montana.

Fortunately as a part of NeighborWorks, Community Frameworks is permitted to send its VISTAs (which if you remember from the previous post, I am a VISTA) to the NW Training Institute in Washington DC, in December. So finally after 32 years I will see our nation's capitol.

Anyway, go to the websites, click on the About Us and you can learn a great deal more about each organization. There may be some information in there for those looking to buy their first home but just can't seem to get the down payment together.

That is all for now. In our next posting, I will discuss what I have been really doing the past three weeks.


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